For my birthday present to myself I got a membership for myself and Kathleen to the Phillips Collection which is the first modern art museum. The Phillips Collection is located in DC and is both housed in a lovely and intimate setting for a museum.
The Collection has many wonderful paintings. Their prize painting is Renoir's Luncheon for a Boat Party which I have seen several times. It's the kind of painting that makes a visual imprint in one's memory. While I may not remember this painting in all of its glorious detail, I definitely remember its feel. So one night when I was casting about to buy a jigsaw puzzle, I came upon this painting as one. I purchased it immediately and it has arrived via UPS. It's produced by Pigment and Hue and sold by WonderCat Inc. Perfect for me.
I've wanted to do something quiet and meditative like a puzzle for a long time. Now that my studio is more or less in order, I can devote my drafting table to the puzzle. Yet I have paused. I have not opened the shipping box the puzzle was shipped in and I've lost momentum. Can I not do a puzzle and piano lessons at the same time?
That's what happens when you have too much time, sometimes you get less done than if you were busy. You know the saying "If you want to get something done, give it to a busy person!"
So considering that maybe I'll open the box today...
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