Sunday, February 24, 2013

What's The Weather Like

You might say I'm percolating. No I'm not making coffee. I'm making something creative. And as a writer it's not just putting language down on the page. Oh that's important, some would say critical. But the creative process also involves the often unseen "inner" work beforehand.

For me my mood and my writing is heavily influenced by the weather. Basically I've never left the sunny weather of Southern California. It suppose to be 75 degrees and sunny. That's my inner norm. Everything else is something "different." While living in Washington, DC we've had blizzards, hurricanes, tornados and the ever occurant thunderstorms. And then the ordinary days of rain, sleet, snow, hail and wind (with an occasionally sunny day). So you see I've had a lot of different moods from all that weather.

All this DC weather has made me a more interesting person. I believe that the 75F and sunny weather of Southern California would have have lacked inspiration. (The sheer predictability, you know?!?!?) I only really long for LA weather when its in the teens and snowing 2 feet from a blizzard.

So it's almost the end of winter and the time of rebirth is almost upon us. Spring offers all sorts of new energies and opportunities. My hibernation and "percolating" will be done for a few months.

I'm looking forward to seeing what comes up this spring. And of course what's the weather like.

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