Saturday, October 20, 2012

Choice Point or Two

Our choices tell so much about us. Like what's important or where we're aiming to go. Today I came to such a choice point.

We were strolling through an outdoor street market which had vendors who sold clothing, jewelry and Asian masks. I was especially interested in this one mask, a Hindu mask with its tongue sticking out. It was a serious mask and yet humorous too. Very intriguing. So I asked the price. The vendor after a little bit of fumbling replied $120 but I'll take 25% off. I did the math and came up with $90. Too expensive for the quality. But then maybe I'm comparing my mask shopping karma with Kathleen's. She bought me a Ganesh mask in San Fransico for $25 and it's a wonderful mask. Quite inspiring too. But my mask karma is different. More difficult and more expensive. I'm this way in all things. Everything costs me more and is harder to find.

So as I'm dithering about whether to empty my pockets of all my cash in order to buy this cool mask, Kathleen pipes up and says "It could be an early xmas present." Now I take my xmas gift points (and presents) like a serious business matter. Because you see I have my heart set on getting a iPhone. It will be a big upgrade and very complicated at first. And I'm already anticipating the frustrations it will bring. But I'm ready for this smart phone even though I'm still not convinced I'm smart enough to use it.

So I answer Kathleen's generous offer with, "I'll pass on the mask, I really want a iPhone for xmas. Or I'll just get it for myself. But I'm really in the market for one." Full of good nature, Kathleen responds with "Well, maybe the mask will still be here next Saturday and we'll get it then."

This is how my choices go for me. I really want all of the choices but must often bargain for the one I really want. I rarely get all of the choices. But then, I'm just grateful to have choices.

And so I've chosen a 21st century smart phone over a Hindu mask. Who's to say which one would actually do more for me. Maybe Kathleen's right. Maybe I'll be back at the market next week. My mask collection could always use an addition...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Let's Vote!

Are you finally feeling feed up with the political commercials? Now don't get me wrong. I've been a long-time supporter of Barack. Heck, I just dusted off the Obama/Biden yard sign from 08' that has been just waiting in my foyer. So I'm advertising to my neighbors (and to you too, right here.) We're all advertising. Aside from Halloween, the election is what's happening right now.

The radio station I listen to broadcasts to Virginia which is a battleground state. So the commercials come on pretty thick and heavy. The Barack commercials are good and I hope people can relate to them. I' havn't heard too many Mitt commercials yet (I've probably tuned them out--- I've got to keep my sanity, you know!!!)

But if you're still undecided after all of this, there's still one more presidential debate where Barack and Mitt go mano o mano. Its the only fight I know of where the contestants wear suits instead of boxer shorts. And you'll hear it all over again. By that third debate you'll know where the candidates stand. Then you've just got to decide which way you'll vote.

But, most importantly, you've got to vote. Everybody who is registered has got to vote. It's the way we make this democracy work. So come on, let's vote!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Bypassing the Trick or Treaters

It's fast approaching. That's right...October 31st is almost upon us. Chocolate, candy and costumes are everywhere. I tell you the seasonal aisles in CVS Pharmacy really keeps me on track. Just walk down the aisle and I know where we are in the calendar year. Have you ever noticed that chocolate works it way into almost every seasonal holiday. Think about it: XMAS has boxed chocolates, St. Valentine's Day is dedicated to chocolate and then Easter has huge chocolate bunnies. Chocolate has got business all year round on the holiday curcuit.

But Halloween is the big daddy of them all when it comes to chocolate and candy. When we were in the trick or treat business, we went through over a dozen bags of the stuff. Plus you've got to count how much we went through BEFORE Halloween and then how much AFTER Halloween. It was a downright chocolate candy orgy!!!

But I did enjoy giving out candy dressed in all black with my conical witch's hat. I don't think I scared any of the little ones. But I just loved all the kids' costumes. For me it was the only time of year I saw the little ones except when they all are waiting for the bus in the morning.You know, we're all suckers. Halloween makes millions off of cute kids demanding candy or threatening "or else?!?!"

We've escaped the little ones' wrath so far. How about you? The older kids always get blamed for the tricks. You know I bet a gang of five year olds could do a bit of damage too. Anyways we've got good kids that will all get enough candy to keep a lot of dentists in business for years.

Unfortunately, we won't be giving out candy this year. Our plan is to escape to a steakhouse restuarant and take a leisurely dinner while the trick or treaters parade down our street. I'll miss them. But I'll gladly miss the inches to my waistline from the chocolate too. I guess our treat will be fitting into our clothes in November.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Can't Wait to Vote!

Well, our yard signs are in our front lawn and I just can't wait. That's right, I just can't wait to vote. Early voting starts on October 27th in Maryland and you can bet I'm going to be one of the first in line.

And I'm voting the whole Democratic ticket from Obama to my House and Senate candidates. And on the Question 6 For Marriage Equality, I'm of course voting for it. I'm still undecided about Question 7 which proposes a world-class gambling casino. I'm just undecided about how much gambling I want to see legal in my state. The lottery is one thing. Casinos are quite another.

So I'm not waiting until the big election day which is Tuesday November 6th. It will be hard enough to not stay up all Tuesday night for the returns. I usually wait until the morning after. But then, I feel like I'm the last to know. But anyways, I'll stay up a little pass my bedtime. If we really stay up late, maybe I'll even convince Kathleen to take the 7th off.

Because you know the 7th will either be a day of mourning or a day of exhilaration. I'm banking on it that there will be tears of joy on the morning after.

So are you going to vote? If you need to register, do it. But just remember to vote. Our future hangs in the balence. So vote already...

Somewhere between the Chopped Liver and the Bagel, I'm a Jew

I'm sure for most jewish people their identity was formed at conception.  Well I only got half of that part, my father's part which for most jewish traditions doesn't make me jewish.  The way it works in Judiasm is you always know who the mother is, so if she's jewish her children are too.

So what was I to do...?  My last name shouts jewishness so much so that I have found it an asset at times.  I got jobs, girlfriends and overall heighten social status from my last name.  But then again, what's in a name.  Where I really found my jewish identity was in the delicatessens of LA, NYC and Washington DC.

Food defines so much about a culture and a people.  It can be an emissary.  It can be entertainment.  And it can be sustanence and comfort.  For me deli was the world of jewish people---their customs, their rituals and their very jewishness.

Every time I have gone for deli and ordered something, I feel a tug back to my great grand parents who came from Russia and Austria and who didn't speak English. They spoke Yiddish, they lived on the Lower East Side and they worked hard, really hard.

So now  I sometimes order the chopped liver on a bagel (against doctor's orders) and remember how my great grand mother made it all herself.

Somewhere between that bagel and the chopped liver, I feel my ancestral genetic code.  And I'm jewish too.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

TV Ads: Bearing Witness

Should I be watching TV now? The political campaign ads have started to run. Do I really need to bear witness? Aside from making me feel angry and hopeless, will watching these anti-marriage-equality and anti-Obama ads educate me, sway my vote or in any way heighten my consciousness?

The answer is no. I'm only a voter nowadays. I'm not even a bit political player or a volunteer. Last election I worked on M street, which is just around the corner from K street. During the '08 campaign I was in the thick of it and it was great. I remember seeing Bush's Press Secretary at a lunch spot that I ate at too. I felt like I had arrived or at least I was rubbing elbows with people who had arrived.

Nowadays I get my news (read: propaganda) on Facebook. I love this social media, but its virtual reality will never replace the nowness of being there in the flesh.

But I have retired from the fray of politics. Now I just share on Facebook. And sometimes I think I've shared too much and too often. (One's home page is really a very private space on Facebook.) But I still follow the postings because in many ways that's my connection to the outside world. So please share. I love it when things go viral!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus Day---Shall We Party?

I never know how to feel about Columbus Day. Shouldn't I be happy that Columbus discovered America so that all my ancestors who were all once immigrants could also discover America? Or what about the Native Americans who when they saw Columbus saw the end of their world? Should this be a day of mourning for them? I'm sure history will somehow work out these competing perspectives, but in the meanwhile I'm confused.

So what do I do as a 21st-century person on this day? Do I stay home and Internet shop, or do I go to a mall and shop? Do I clean house and do laundry? Or do I surf the net, read books and listen to the latest Pink album (which I must say is quite good)? Or do I find a restaurant that is celebrating dear old Columbus and party the day and night away?

What will you do? A day off with Kathleen is always a precious thing. Even though every day is a day off since I'm retired, I still enjoy the three day weekends with Kathleen.

So thanks for the three-day weekend in October. And as far as working out history for good or bad, I'm leaving that to the historians.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Now I'm Happy

"Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness"

For much of my adult life I was unhappy. It was hard to be a woman, Jewish, and a lesbian. I faced a lot of bigotry and discrimination. The only thing I had going for me was an above average IQ. But even my intellect couldn't undo the prejudice that surrounded me. I met obstacles every day and in almost every moment.

So how does one be happy when this is your life? I escaped into books and music. I had a passion for film and even co-wrote a screenplay that unfortunately didn't get produced. And I wrote before I had a computer (on a typewriter, remember those?) and a lot more when I finally got a PC.

Writing has always been my passion. Sometimes It's been hard to write from my life experiences since most of those experience have something gay about them. But neverthless, I've been out in print since my student days at UCLA. I've tried to live a life that isn't sub-divided between lesbian and non-lesbian lots.

Being out publicly as a lesbian is the best thing I've ever done. Sure I've taken my hits but it's brought me more happiness than I can imagine. I've met wonderful people who are also on the path of being out and open, and these people have been inspirations to me and others.

I'd like to encourage all those LGBT people who are still not out and open. It's another world once you're out and open. And nowadays you have strength in numbers behind you. You won't be alone. Heck, you can watch Ellen on TV for inspiration.