Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I Googled Her

Have you ever googled your Exes on the Internet? Just to find out what they’ve been doing since you’ve left their lives? I’m not a stalker. Not by any means. I’m a storyteller and the most familiar story I know about is my life and the lives of my friends and lovers. And anyway, I’m just a curious person I guess. I’m always wondering how my college friends and lovers’ lives have turned out. I guess people go to reunions to find out about that stuff. Well, now you don’t have to dress up or pay to go to a reunion. We have Google and a search by name.

The problem with googling your Exes by name is that so many people will have the same name as they do. I’m sure you all have encountered this on Facebook as well as the Internet. At least on Facebook you have a picture to work with. Not so if you do a Google search. It’s a name, a description and your best guess.

The funny thing about the searches I’ve made of my lovers is that Kathleen, my dearest of almost 16 years and who is into IT, can’t be found on the Internet. Gives me pause to wonder---what do those IT folks know that we don’t know…Anyway, most of my college friends and lovers turned up---some in expected places and doing expected things and some in not so expected places and doing unexpected things.

It’s not surprising that most of my friends and ex-girlfriends can be found on the Internet. They all were drawn to the spotlight and were mostly student journalists way back in the day at UCLA. Most of them have done a lot with their lives since college. I can’t wait to Google everyone when I suspect we’re all retired. Won’t that be interesting…I wonder what trouble we’ll all stir up then…