Thursday, June 6, 2013

It's a Birthday Month

I always liked the month of June. It's a little warmer than May but not yet the blazing heat of July or August. Then there's summer solstice or Midsummer's Night for the Shakespeare buffs. And yes, there's my birthday too.

Usually we party for the entire week that my birthday falls in. This year we started in May while vacationing in LA. And now this week I've been gifted with a piano bench and keyboard stand which I love!!!

I'm a lucky girl indeed!!! I even got my house cleaned. But the best gifts I got are the ones I gave myself. I am now a member with Kathleen to the Phillips Collection, the first modern art museum. And I also got some Tibetan Prayer Wind Chimes for our cherry tree. (Something melodious to listen to when I'm resting my mind...)

Seems like there are a lot of June babies out there. As far as it goes, just more good people to party with. And I can't say how the rest of the month is going to go but I guess the month of June is just going to be one big long party!!!

I guess I've graduated to the birthday month club. Only took me 52 years.

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