Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

I've always had the expectation that life would be smooth sailing. But all through my life I've run into obstacles and blamed myself for them. I believed that I was the cause of the obstacles and that something was wrong with me. Something like I either must have a lot of bad karma to work through or like "life" is just supposed to be perfect, isn't it?

But I've lived and learned that one person's perfect is another person's hell. So maybe all those obstacles, or road blocks and detours, were guidance in a very indirect way. Oh, my will has been thwarted many a time. And I'll never know how things might have turned out if I had gotten my way. But at least at 50 years of age, I now know when to avoid, ignore and generally find some positive way to cope with life's obstacles and set-backs.

The learning curve isn't so steep anymore either. And I feel no compulsion to live a "perfect" life. I may not take life's obstacles in stride, but I'm less likely to curse myself or the gods.

I guess I can finally mount my Ganesh mask to a wall in my living room. Ganesh is an Indian god who is a remover of obstacles. Kathleen found the mask when she traveled to San Francisco on business. I don't think Ganesh eliminates the obstacles. He just makes me more comfortable removing them.

I needed an Indian god to teach me that obstacles will always appear in life. Now my "perfect" life includes even obstacles.

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