Thursday, August 4, 2011

Nap Time

You know you're squarely into middle age when you look forward to your naps. Personally, I'm not a big napper. Now I like a good lie-down while listening to the radio now and then, but as far as going unconscious for long stretches of time I'm just not your girl. Oh, I like sleep, but I prefer thinking or really zoning to a long nap.

Now I've found that some people actually nap for hours, and they even schedule it into their afternoon's weekend activities. You've got to be real close to a person before they'll tell you about their nap schedule. Often they'll just be "busy" in the afternoons a lot. Or always. Sometimes you don't find out about the "napping" until you move in together when it, well, becomes obvious.

I know all this because I live with a Sleeping Beauty. She's a real sleeper. Hours upon hours of sleep. And she’s practically nocturnal too. She's like the cats. They sleep all afternoon, and so does she when she naps.

Every once in a while I try out this nap thing. The most I get is 45-60 minutes and then I'm up. It's just not for me. I'd rather listen to music while playing mahjongg on the computer. I guess I'm just not a napper. I'm a zoner. What are you?

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