Saturday, November 24, 2012

Tis the Season

It's begun. Thanksgiving Day kicks off the Holiday Season. Now it's time for shopping and parties. (And for us Kathleen's birthday on December 2nd) Then it's shorter and shorter days which usually have cloud cover or just grey skies. The temperatures drop toward the freezing mark and you need to get your car winterized because you know the defroster and heater just doesn't work like it use to last year.

You get your xmas/solstice tree or a menorah or something for your lights or candles. Because we're all celebrating the light amidst the darkness. And its dark when you wake up and at 5 pm when you leave your job or walk your dog.

And then there's the xmas cookies and the cakes and just the vast amount of desserts. But what would the season be without all the chocolate. It's like medicine for the soul (or the mood!)

And close by Solstice on the 21st, everyone gives up on working and we just feast, socialize and party our way towards New Year's. And yes, the Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus and there's this vast gift exchange between people on the 25th. After the 25th, xmastime fatigue usually sets in. Sure you love your presents but sleeping off those holiday dinners and desserts becomes imperative.

So then, the sleepy and social week between xmas and new year's takes over. No one in their right mind tries to work unless you desperately need the money. Kathleen and I just try to make it to the end of the festivities because New Year's Eve is our anniversary.

We've only gone out a few times on our anniversary. Most of the time it's too cold and we don't want to be driving on the roads. We rarely go out at night...we're two little old biddies now. (It's okay. We were both wild and crazy in our youth.)

So 2013 will most likely arrive despite the Mayan calendar and we will have more parties and football on the 1st. I'm looking for another dish to make to bring us good luck for the year. Please comment with the dish you make.

I hope you enjoy the Season! I think that it's just a helluva way to wrap up the year and start a new one. But it does have it's moments, doesn't it?

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