Friday, November 16, 2012

We're Doing Thanksgiving Twice

Just ordered the free-range turkey from Whole Foods. Some years, like this one, Kathleen and I like to do our own turkey dinner after we visit Kathleen's family for Thanksgiving. We like our cooking and we like turkey (and so do our cats!) So we'll pick-up the bird while everyone else is engaging in black friday madness. We'll just have to watch out for the traffic and pray to the parking fairies for a good parking space.

Mentally, I'm making a list of all the people I want to "give thanks to." Kathleen, of course, my mother, other family members and friends. When I tally up how many people really touch my life, I'm amazed at how many connections I have. I'm sure when you do your "gratitude list", you'll be amazed too.

And then there's the all-important shopping food list for Thanksgiving and then the gift list for your Winter Holiday. It's fun to splurge this time of year (and all that good food can be quite comforting too) but try to remember that these holidays are about re-affirming connections and bonds --- not just getting presents!!!

So in the meanwhile, safe travels everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!

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