Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today is significant, I guess. But really only if we make it so. Will I remember it? Only if I think the calendar runs my life. Sure I pay attention to the dates. Especially if I'm expecting a check or have a bill to pay. But does a date have cosmic significance? Well, I doubt it!

Our birthdays and the day we die are the really important ones for our loved ones and maybe if we're famous the world at large. But really, all the other important dates are just the drama markers of our lives. To be less dramatic the sun rises, the sun sets and maybe if we don't have too much light pollution and cloudy weather we see the moon, the stars and even the planets with our naked eye.

The Julian calendar and the Mayan calendar are an expression of a particular culture. Sure they mark time. But I like my own markers of time because my life and those that I love aren't only defined by this culture.

I don't play the numbers when it comes to life. I learned that life plays by itself. And that I play with it.

So make every day significant!

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