Friday, March 2, 2012

Ugh! The Laundry Has Got to Get Done!

There's a pressing matter of vital importance to our lives. It's who does the laundry. And how often does it get done. We all face the mountains of laundry. Our own or our family's. It never goes away and is never finished. It's always present.

Kathleen and I do our laundry together. I bring it down, wash and dry. She folds it and very well I might add. I schlepp it up two flights of stairs in our townhouse, and Kathleen puts it away. After living together for over a decade, we've learned to play to each other's strengths.

But we both still avoid doing the laundry until we're almost completely out of clothes. We've even tried the trick of buying more clothes so we can go for longer periods before we have to do the dreaded laundry. Unfortunately when we finally break down and do the laundry, we've got mountains of laundry to do. It's scary, but we both loathe laundry. How about you?

I kid myself that the reason we both dislike laundry so much is because we're such liberated women. Something like "we have better things to do with our time than domestic tasks." Or something like "our time is worth so much more than a laundress's time."

So sometimes when one of us is sick or we're both busy being "liberated", we break down and take the laundry to the laundromat and have it done. It really isn't that expensive, but of course it's not done as well as we do it.

No matter which way you slice it or dice it, the laundry has got to get done. Once I wrote on the back of a postcard that "one of the most telling thing about a person is who does their laundry." Think about it. It's really true, you know.

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