Monday, October 15, 2012

Bypassing the Trick or Treaters

It's fast approaching. That's right...October 31st is almost upon us. Chocolate, candy and costumes are everywhere. I tell you the seasonal aisles in CVS Pharmacy really keeps me on track. Just walk down the aisle and I know where we are in the calendar year. Have you ever noticed that chocolate works it way into almost every seasonal holiday. Think about it: XMAS has boxed chocolates, St. Valentine's Day is dedicated to chocolate and then Easter has huge chocolate bunnies. Chocolate has got business all year round on the holiday curcuit.

But Halloween is the big daddy of them all when it comes to chocolate and candy. When we were in the trick or treat business, we went through over a dozen bags of the stuff. Plus you've got to count how much we went through BEFORE Halloween and then how much AFTER Halloween. It was a downright chocolate candy orgy!!!

But I did enjoy giving out candy dressed in all black with my conical witch's hat. I don't think I scared any of the little ones. But I just loved all the kids' costumes. For me it was the only time of year I saw the little ones except when they all are waiting for the bus in the morning.You know, we're all suckers. Halloween makes millions off of cute kids demanding candy or threatening "or else?!?!"

We've escaped the little ones' wrath so far. How about you? The older kids always get blamed for the tricks. You know I bet a gang of five year olds could do a bit of damage too. Anyways we've got good kids that will all get enough candy to keep a lot of dentists in business for years.

Unfortunately, we won't be giving out candy this year. Our plan is to escape to a steakhouse restuarant and take a leisurely dinner while the trick or treaters parade down our street. I'll miss them. But I'll gladly miss the inches to my waistline from the chocolate too. I guess our treat will be fitting into our clothes in November.