Friday, October 19, 2012

Let's Vote!

Are you finally feeling feed up with the political commercials? Now don't get me wrong. I've been a long-time supporter of Barack. Heck, I just dusted off the Obama/Biden yard sign from 08' that has been just waiting in my foyer. So I'm advertising to my neighbors (and to you too, right here.) We're all advertising. Aside from Halloween, the election is what's happening right now.

The radio station I listen to broadcasts to Virginia which is a battleground state. So the commercials come on pretty thick and heavy. The Barack commercials are good and I hope people can relate to them. I' havn't heard too many Mitt commercials yet (I've probably tuned them out--- I've got to keep my sanity, you know!!!)

But if you're still undecided after all of this, there's still one more presidential debate where Barack and Mitt go mano o mano. Its the only fight I know of where the contestants wear suits instead of boxer shorts. And you'll hear it all over again. By that third debate you'll know where the candidates stand. Then you've just got to decide which way you'll vote.

But, most importantly, you've got to vote. Everybody who is registered has got to vote. It's the way we make this democracy work. So come on, let's vote!!!

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