Thursday, December 13, 2012

Can't Take LA Out of the Girl

So where are you from? I mean like where did you grow up and go to school? I grew up in LA and went to school there too. Not until I left LA at the tender age of 25 did I realize how much of a LA person I was. Somehow bumping into different people that you will love, go to school with or just work besides makes one reflect about your values, perspective and overall worldview.

Growing up I thought everyone looked like they do in the movies and on TV. Boy have I been awakened. And then I realized that all the beautiful people work and live in LA. The hopefuls as well as the discovered are all photogenic. It becomes the norm. But anyway I digress...

Everywhere in LA there's a stage. Go out in public and you're an actor and on stage whether it be at the grocery store, the bank or at the red carpet of the Oscars. Everywhere is a stage because everyone wants to be seen.

Well, it isn't like that in the rest of the country. If the world is a stage, in many cases the theatre is dark. And people wear uniforms (even self-designed uniforms like LL Bean which I did for over a decade---I didn't want to think about my clothes too much in those days.)

I realized at 14 that clothes are nothing more than costumes to enhance the roles we play in life. This realization dawned on me when I was at Paramount Studios in the costume warehouse. I got a tour of the studio and I walked through the warehouse of clothes from period pieces to modern attire. It was an overwhelming sight. I've never looked at clothes the same way since.

So now I'm changing my image (again) and my wardrobe too. I don't know if Kathleen and I will be the new lesbian 50+ fashion plates. But we're having fun again with clothes. Who knows...if we're not run out of the community, we might put a new spin on lesbian fashion!


  1. Post some photos of the new yous! Clothes should be for fun and frolic. Unless you're a suit, and then there's retirement to look forward to.

  2. I'm a jeans and hoodie (and not just any hoodie) kinda gal. I love the weather most of the year in Portland, there's only a few months where wearing a hoodie just isn't practical. Every once in awhile I get a wild hair and think I might go down a different fashion path, but the pull of the jeans and hoodie path is just too strong.
