Wednesday, September 7, 2011


We are all knee-deep into the second week of the US Open (Tennis), and I'm starting to experience Tennis F-A-T-I-G-U-E. It's a condition brought on by prolonged exposure to endless tennis matches, often during a Grand Slam Tennis Tournament. I've been watching tennis for many days now---all day, every day and most of the night. And when Tennis Channel dropped out, I picked up my laptop and started live streaming matches. You could say I'm into the Open.

And I'm only on Day 8. We've got a few more days to go. Guess I'm just going to have to take a break from my obsessional behavior. So I'll miss some great tennis, some historic tie-breaks or stupendous sets. It’s just too bad for me. Anyway, everything is starting to all look alike to me. And, I'm starting to get to know the players too well. When I start making comments about their clothes more than their last play, I know I'm burning out.

So what do I do? Do my errands? Is that enough of a distraction? For one thing, we'll have to put a moratorium on all talk about tennis. Guess the car rides will be quiet. Well, maybe it's on the car isn't. No way around it---I'm just going to have to go through tennis withdrawal for an hour or two.

BTW do you know of anything else going on in the world today?

1 comment:

  1. You know, that is a good way to get 'tennis elbow' which is hard to recover from at our advanced ages.
    Enjoying your blog!
