Friday, February 10, 2012

Trending Fashions for Frames

When it comes to fashion, shall I lead or follow? For years I've prided myself on being ahead of the curve when it came to my eye glass frames.  Since my eyesight is progressively deteriorating, I often get a new prescription for new lenses and, of course, accompanying frames about every two to three years.
It seems that fashions in eyeware move in and out in three to four year cycles. So if I could pick the new season's trend, I might have a fashion hit that would last my two to three years of wearing the frames.
I've had some good picks over the years. My last "hit" would be the black Versace (how could I go wrong with an Italian designer, really, I even sorta look kinda "hot" in them). And then these rimless I'm wearing now have given me a modern hippy boomer look that I have enjoyed.
So now what? Do I go with the huge round black frames that seem to adorn every musician from Lady Gaga to Justin Beiber? An already big fashion "hit" I rarely go for. I'm more interested in the emerging trends of fashion instead of with the established "hit" happening today.
So, I go to try on frames this Saturday. I hope the optical shop won't be busy and inspiration strikes. Because these frames, guys, are gonna be sitting on my face for years...