Friday, April 6, 2012

The Write Stuff

I'm finally doing something I enjoy because I simply enjoy doing it. Not for money, not for recognition, not for popularity and certainly not for fame. I enjoy writing and I think more so than your average writer. Because from all the writing classes I've taken, everyone acts as if the writing is just something they did while alone to pass some time. Now, in class, they want to talk about agents, publishers and producers. That's where their passion lies. And then there's the market research and demographics and your target audience. It's easy to get consumed with the sale side of writing and forget about your writing itself.

I know this all too well. I did it until now, and if you don't believe how obsessed I was with selling my work, ask Kathleen. Maybe now I've gone extremely the other way and want only my artistic freedom. (I'm sure I'll find the middle road some time soon.)

But in the meanwhile I'm still looking for a writing class. I wonder which one will be right for me?