What's on your car's bumper? We've got two bumper stickers. One is for Obama, and the other one is MEOW. We're very comfortable with our bumper stickers; everybody has them here in the DC area. What I'm thinking about now is getting a car license frame with a pithy saying. But not just any kind of saying.
How does "May You Be Happy" and "May You Be Free of Suffering" grab you? Somehow I believe that "I'd rather be playing tennis" will probably make fewer people uncomfortable than wishing everyone happiness as I drive away. Especially so here in Washington, DC. But I don't mind making some people uncomfortable.
Now even though the pursuit of happiness is so very American, actually wishing people happiness seems slightly radical, especially when they're your political foe. But I guess if more people were happy, there might be fewer haters running around and doing harm. Also happy people are more fun. Don't you agree?
So I may get that car license frame and spread a little message of happiness in my wake!