Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Butch-Femme Thing (Or things every lesbian needs to know)

You know, gender identity is a tricky thing. I've been around 30 years as a lesbian, on both coasts and in large towns and small. I've seen changes. When I was coming out everyone was a gender-bender and androgynous. I wore men's clothes and thought I was really pushing it. Well times have changed, and some of us have even grown out our lesbian hair cuts.  However, out of that period we did develop a lesbian look, which identified us to each other and sometimes to the informed straight society.

Well, now I'm older and not so concerned with what's hot and what's not. But I have noticed that there seems to be a resurgence of butch-femme. From my experience, who is butch and who is femme goes much beyond appearances because appearances are often deceptive. Personality, not dress, tells you about a person and their style. So get beyond that haircut or combat boots...there's more to having a relationhip than make-up and dress codes. Dare I say that there are two people involved.

1 comment:

  1. This is something that's always puzzled me about gay life in general - the gender thing, even when everyone is the same sex. Attitudes and appearance defining us to each other.
    At the lesbian clubs i've been to, femmes are flocking to the butch women - surrounding them!
