Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Confinement

We had a hot one today. I bet with the heat index we were in the triple digits (100+ degrees). We stayed inside. Kathleen can work at home and well, I write at home. So there we are, home in the comfortable air-conditioning and having our groceries delivered and our house cleaned by a service. And guess what...? We are cranky and irritable. We have no excuse except the CONFINEMENT. 
In the olden days people went out to the movies for the air-conditioning and the entertainment. Nowadays everything has come to our homes: videos, cds, video games, TV, radio and personal computers. You see, you can be throughly entertained and never leave your home except for the confinement issue.
Being home is great especially when the weather is awful. But when it's beautiful out, who wants to be confined? Not me and I bet not you. So as soon as the heat wave breaks, I'm eating outside at a lovely patio restaurant. Sound good? Its what's keeping me from biting off my beloved's head during this confinement. (Don't mistake me, I really do love her a lot.)