Friday, June 29, 2012

Birthday Wish for Our Country

Why is it always so HOT on the 4th of July? I know, it's summer, and of course it's hot in the summer. But here in DC we always have a heat wave on the 4th. I can tell you of 4ths that I spent in shopping malls to avoid the heat (once it was Pentagon City, so I guess that counts at least as patriotic). I've also spent the entire 4th at home, having declined invitations to BBQs, pool parties and fireworks on the Mall.

But this year I want to brave the crowds, search endlessly for a parking space, and endure the evening heat -- all to be with a local like-minded community as it celebrates the birth of our country with music and a display of fireworks. In the past, I've watched the fireworks from the Mall on TV. (Kathleen even hates that. She says that they roll the credits before the finale is over---whatever!)

But I'm feeling a little patriotic this year. And I'm feeling a little hopful too! Maybe we can get Barack re-elected, and the world can continue to follow a saner path. That's my birthday wish for our country...and the world!