Sunday, July 15, 2012

Too Many Choices!!!

There's just too many choices out there. I guess I'm a basic person; I like maybe 3 to 5 choices. But the marketers have just gone crazy with all of these choices. Case in point: Kathleen and I went pillow shopping the other night. Well, we found an entire section of Bed, Bath & Beyond dedicated to pillows galore.

There must have been at least 30 pillows to choose from. And really how could we tell which ones we preferred? There was no bed to lie down on and rest our heads on the pillows. So we squeezed and guessed and imagined which one would work for us. And then I read the packaging and decided that the one labeled "Eco-friendly" must be the one for me. No feathers. Just husks. And supposedly good for the environment too.

Pillow shopping has become a complicated business nowadays. There's all the pillows to chose from, the protectors to weed through and then your pillowcases'  threadcount and fabric color. Well we've now made enough choices to last the year.

After all that, I wonder if we made the right choices. I hope so cuz I'm not going through that all over again. I say let's keep it basic, ok guys?

1 comment:

  1. thread count...and cotton type....very important for bedding... are you talking about bed pillows? or?
