Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A State of Emergency

Day 1

Bad thunderstorms swept through our town, and we lost our power. That means no air-conditioning, and the days have been in the triple digits. So it’s hot. But I count us as lucky. We have a hotel room for now. We both have medical conditions, such as a history of heat stroke and breathing difficulties.

We had to leave the kitties at home. We check on them in the evening, and they are fine and happy to see us. Our house isn't an oven; thank gawd. Don't know about tomorrow. It could break 100 degrees.

We know what time it is by when we have our meals. I just want to avoid people and stay calm, quiet and as cool as possible. It’s just all about taking care of Kathleen and myself. Don't want to be a burden to anyone.

Morning, Day 2

Another hot day. I wake up early for a Sunday. It’s only 76 degrees at 6 am. So I order breakfast from room service and wake up Kathleen when it arrives. We drink coffee, and I try to keep busy in an air-conditioned room that is getting smaller and smaller. And I remind myself that I'm one of the lucky ones. I’ll gladly pay for this luck.

I wonder if the federal government will shut down or go on liberal leave. I don't really want to spend the day alone in a hotel room. Maybe Kathleen will work remotely. I hope so. I really hope so.

Siesta time, Day 2

We've grown bored with living in a hotel. The hotel staff has been wonderful and very kind, but I long for our home and the cats. It’s just not the same without the cats around bothering us and meowing at us.

I’m watching more TV than is probably healthy for a normal person. But it helps to pass the time. And now it’s all about passing the time---the time until we get power.
Around 6 pm we'll go visit the cats and pick up a few things for our stay at the hotel. After we check on our house (do we or don't we have power?), we'll go out to dinner either in the hotel or somewhere that has power. Because it’s all about who's got the power nowadays, right!?!?

Evening, Day 2

We have power! Came to the house to check on the kitties and get some clothes, and everything looked dark. The houses looked dark, the street looked dark and even some of the medical office buildings looked dark. But lo and behold, I unlocked the front door, and lights were on and a fan was on. What a blessed sight.

Kathleen and I are very grateful for the hotel room and then getting our power back so soon. We've been lucky, and now I wonder what purposes I could put our good luck toward in addition to our own well-being. Something I'm going to ponder about.

Thanks to my dear friends for all your support and kind words. It helps so much to know that you're out there.