Thursday, July 28, 2011

Knit One, Purl Two

A while back most of our friends were either breaking up or moving overseas. We were bereft!!! After saying good-by and good luck, we took stock of our social life and realized that we wanted to make some new friends. So what do you do? Where do you go? Who do you talk to?

So Kathleen and I embarked upon a mission: Making Friends. Much to our surprise we had good luck from the get-go. We started a knitting group that met at a local coffee shop. We advertised on some Yahoo Groups listservs. And so, we had knitters arriving once a month for over a year at our gatherings. We made friends too. We even became members of a clique.

But unfortunately, it seems our clique is breaking up now. People are moving away again and moving on to new and different things.

Guess, it's time to get out there again and make some new friends. One has to make new friends constantly because, as many people have told me, people in Washington, DC are transitory. It’s strange that this LA girl who has been in the DC area 22 years is considered by some to be a native. I guess somebody has got to hold down the fort!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi... I clicked on the link you left on the Old(er) Lesbian Facebook page.

    My wife is a knitter and now she's venturing into collage art. Her blog is here:

    We find the groups of friends we've made over the years to ebb and flow also. Usually there's one or two that will stick, then we find ourselves having to rebuild. Guess that's the way it goes.

