Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer Shut-ins

"It's hot and Code Orange." That means one thing in our household. We'll be inside our house waiting out the bad weather and the awful air quality.
I used to fight this when I was younger and go out anyway. Well, we still do when Kathleen can't work from home. But nowadays I accept being heat-sensitive and prone to heat stroke. And Kathleen doesn't fight the bad air quality anymore either. As we age we learn to adapt.
It’s like living during a summer hibernation when we stay indoors. Now you'd think our house would be sparkling clean. I'm sorry to report it is not. It's amazing how many naps one can take in the course of a day. But I do believe we catch up on our email and we cook a lot (and eat a lot too.)

Oh, I hate to mention that we also develop cabin fever and have the eventual fight about something trivial. After a while we get over ourselves and make some ice coffee and laugh it all off.

But we've got two more days to go during this heat spell...What the hell, let's clean the house, darling!

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