Sunday, September 16, 2012

Brew Me a Cup

You know, there's something about turning 50. Sure menopause let's you know that your body has changed from that hot young thing you were in your twenties to something now, well, more mature. And those hot flashes and icky cold sweats are still a constant annoyance. But it's something even deeper than your physical body.

Your soul changes. I've felt this lately. Younger people seem consumed with making money and finding a mate. Whereas I've never made much money and have had several mates, with my current being the best ever. Now I want to reflect and understand this thing called life. It's like my relationship with tennis: I played for decades and now I've hung up my racquet. I wish to become a connoisseur of the game from the viewpoint of the spectator.

And so, I'm making plans to return, in a fashion, to my coffeehouse days. I'll be going to my local Panera and plugging in. Maybe I'll even become one of those people with a laptop who are occuppying a chair and table for hours while nursing a single cup of coffee.

Who knows what will brew in my brain in such a place. But guess what, you'll probably be one of the first to know about it.