Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What A Day

Oh well, I'm waiting by the phone. It's just that the two most important people in my life have had procedures done today. Oh I'm sure everyone will be fine. But it's just the getting to fine that I'm having trouble with. You know, the waiting part is what does me in.

So I've broken down and asked Kathleen to make chocolate brownies. We keep a couple of quick-mix boxes in the pantry especially for occasions like this. We make our brownies "straight-up"; there's no "herbs" in our chocolate brownies I tell you.

So where would womankind be without chocolate and specifically brownies? More of us would have "lost it" and found ourselves in the "looney bin" for sure. And fewer babies would have gotten born without that romantic gift of a box of chocolates. Well, I guess, humanity itself might have been imperiled without chocolate.

But as civilization has progressed so has our ingestion of chocolate. Hopefully, Kathleen and I will go to a wine bar and do chocolate and wine pairings some time soon. In the meanwhile, it's gonna be brownies.