Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Typical Unproductive Day

Don't know what to make of today. I slept most of it away except for a few minor interruptions of neighbors, phone calls and lunch deliveries. This retired life is definitely set your-own-course. Aside from pouring coffee into Kathleen and driving her to and from the metro, my day is pretty much my own. Oh, I call my mother every day and then I call Kathleen around lunchtime (she works so hard that I have to remind her to eat lunch; something you'd never have to remind me about).

I like staying home. I don't watch daytime TV except for an occasional Ellen episode. But I do listen to Top 40 radio. I really kinda tune out the music. I don't know the songs' titles or the artists. It's really nonsense music to me (except for Adele) and that's why I guess I like it so much.

And then I'm on the Internet...for hours. I do email and I write. I shop (too much!). I check the weather. And I surf a lot. I'm especially happy when I find a new kitten video to watch. Cause I've got to get a daily dosage of "cuteness" in; otherwise everything gets dark and cynical. And we can't have that.

But I'm happy with this arrangement because I have time to research, muse, and write every day. I may be "unproductive", but I write every day. Other than answer email, what do you do every day?

1 comment:

  1. Work so hard I have to be reminded to eat lunch ... ;)
